Reminder:  students must register as league members before they’re eligible to compete.

Logos Forensics Association
1 Peter 3:15 / Proverbs 27:17

Equipping Leaders For Christ

Christian School Speech & Debate

School Partnership: ACCS

The LFA is excited to partner with ACCS to serve its members through the activity of speech and debate.

Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS)

The Logos Forensic Association is excited to partner with the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS) to serve its members through the activity of speech and debate.

The mission of ACCS is to promote, establish, and equip member schools that are committed to a classical approach in the light of a Christian worldview. To restore a Christian paideia, ACCS wants to restore the patterns of thought and life that have enriched lives in all times and places. ACCS does this by building classical schools and Christian communities, helping parents find schools, and promoting the critical importance of classical and Christian education on a national level.

As this partnership develops, the LFA will attend and exhibit at more ACCS events throughout the year to help expand the league nationwide.

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